Friday, May 15, 2009

Stormy Weather

This is the first thing I seen when I came up from the basement.

I could not figure out where this black vent thing came from.

storm damage 011

After going outside I figured out it was the bbq grill blown to the end of the
deck & blown over. This is the bottom of it.
Everything was next to the brick wall.
Then I seen my van & part of the yard:

storm damage 013

storm damage 034 storm damage 016 storm damage 015

This is our back yard.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Saturday Treasure Hunts

The girls & I have been hunting for treasures.

We spotted this one before we left our road

Here's another treasure

A little town was having a city wide sale...
We did pretty well there.

Some plastic containers & books

Another book, binders & toys for the grandchildren (dd-11 says "hey, I'm still a child")

A big toy for the g'children although Sarah did take this one for a spin
a couple of times.
I guess I should let her take a few more...she did ask the man if he would
take less, which he did. We picked that up for $1.
The g'children are loving these moving, singing stuffed animals &
we have found several.

Some home pretties

Sandals, books, notepads, cd & a dvd that Sarah wanted, it is shrink wrapped brand new & she asked if they would take that for $1 too.

I'm participating in Thrifty Thursday hosted by Leigh @ Tales From Bloggeritaville,
visit her to see her wonderful thrifty finds and a list of all the fellow thrifty gals posts.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

May Flowers

May flowers 001

May flowers 003

May flowers 005

May flowers 007 May flowers 006

May flowers 011

May flowers 009

These little white flowers on a vine will

be dewberries.

Guess April showers really do bring May flowers.

Rhoda is hosting a garden party, click on widget at right
to go to her blog & check it out.