Sunday, April 22, 2007

Snowing in April

It's a Sunday evening & all is quiet.
Everyone is in bed.

Wanted to pick up where i left off...

Saturday April 14th we woke up to snow.

Just a bit but than as the morning went on it started

coming down in big flakes.
It was so cold we all stayed inside.
By noon it was all gone & over with.
Dh & I started a new blog for his Observed Trials.
Than in the aft. dh & ds went to an auction down the road.
Later we went & picked up the girls that had spent Fri. night
at the grandparents.
We spent a few hours over there just visiting. Very nice.
That's all for tonight...
will try to post more tomorrow...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Haven't continued the last post because of the sad news of
the Virginia Tech. school shootings.

It's such a tragedy...all i can think of is all the families
that was at home wondering about their children...
not being close enough to get right to the school...
not knowing for such a long time how their loved one was.

I know when i watched the planes fly into the WTC buildings
all i wanted to do was run right up to the school & gather my
little children to me.

So i can only imagine the parents & loved ones of these children
wanting to get there as fast as possible & some just not able to
at all. So sad.

Thoughts & prayers for all involved,

Monday, April 16, 2007

Another week in the Hensley household

Wow, it's been a week since my last post...

how does that happen??? Time speeds by...

Monday dh & ds went into town with us when we went to gymnastics.

Grandsons Houston & Porter were there....sweet little boys.

Than we called the eldest ds to see if they wanted to go out to eat with us,

which they did so we got to see Baby Chance again :)

Wed. the children only had 1/2 day of school & dd-11 had bsktball prac.

Afterwards dd-9 & I went to town. We got her glasses adjusted & than

made an appt. for her to get an exam from the dr.

Thurs. i worked in the a.m. for dh & that evening took dd-9 to her appt.

Dd-11 did go that time.

Dd-9 had a bit of good news & a bit of bad...her sight in her lazy eye is still

improving which is really good...She started at 20/200 & is now about 20/60

but bad for her point of view she still has to wear her patch a couple of hours

each night BUT he did prescribe ;) that she do some of that with video games

He said how many dr.'s will tell ya that.

Fri. we had a birthday party to go to for G'son baby Porter.

He turned 1 year young that day.

This is right after he dug into his cake.
He sure was liking it too.

We had to leave a bit early :(
b/c dd-11 had a bsktball game.
She did really good...she said the basket was her best-friend tonight
& it was ... she got 4 baskets :)

Well i better end here...this is getting long & i have more to report...
will post soon the rest of the story ;)

Monday, April 9, 2007

Easter weekend

Hello everyone.

Had a good weekend.

Children was out of school Fri. Dh & ds-13 went riding on their trial bikes
& us girls stayed home & basically did nothing :/ Just a quiet day at home.
It was a cold day & had even snowed before noon.

DD-11 had 2 basketball games Fri. night...They won one & lost one.
It is so much fun to watch &
to see how much they are improving with each game.

Sat. morning the boys went riding again. Eldest ds went with them too.

I took the girls to the town Easter egg hunt.
It was very cold, no snow thankfully...seen on the news where some children
had to dig in the snow to find Easter eggs...not here.
There wasn't very many children girls got close to a 100 eggs.
Seen a little boy fill up his bucket & quit, lol...he just didn't have any more room.
It was nice for them to have enough children it felt like a race but not get trampled.

We went to a cafe & than shopping for a bit & headed home :)

Sat. evening i was privileged with babysitting my youngest grandchild.
Baby Chance, 5 month young.
He wasn't too happy waking up to find mommy & daddy was gone
but he did get calmed down & I had some fun with him.
He's so sweet & loveable.

Sunday I didn't get to go to Church because dd-11 had woke up with a stomachache
but it finally cleared up enough that we was able to go to D-mil & fil's house for Easter
dinner with all our children & grandchildren.
She had a feast of course.
Some of us ate too much but oh it was soooo good.

Well off I go to start another week....

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Baby Jack at Grandma's

Jack loves the kitty cat

The cats love Jack

Sleeping w/ the dogs ;)

Friday, April 6, 2007

A month at the Hensley's

I have a dear friend who has been nagging me about my so-called blog
She seems to think if you have one you should post
What a concept ;)

We've had a busy month since i last posted.
Lots of running for the children... gymnastics, basketball practices & games,
birthday party, fun night at school, art show at school, class parties.....

DH, DD-11, middle & youngest ds went on a float trip... a long one...
river was up so the going was good...
one canoe tipped over...water was cold but not too cold that they didn't
jump in to swim around. The young ones that is...not DH ;)

Trips to the big city ;)
Met for the 4th year w/ a group of internet friends...That was fun.

The pleasure of babysitting wonderful grandchildren :)
They are so sweet & growing fast.
Baby Jack came out to play at grammy's...he was here for about 6 hours.
He was a very good boy.
Will try to post pic's later.

Well for someone who likes to drag a story out i sure have condensed this
month's happenings.
See ya next month
unless my friend nags me so much i have to come back sooner :)