Monday, December 29, 2008

Quick shot of the Hensley's

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

12 days of Christmas

On the twelve days of Christmas my dog brought to me:

One snowman latch-hook rug

2 cow skulls

3 bottles

4 shoes

FIVE assorted rugs, purse & a food tray

6 miscellanous treasures

7 pieces of the electrical cords to the Christmas lights

8 clothing items

9 pieces of an antenna wire

10 sticks

11 chew bones

12 times 12 pieces of the bottom half of the snowman rug

Isn't she lovely....

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Happy Birthday

Homer turned 15.
Time to get drivers permit...eeeeeek.

We took him out to eat at Lambert's.
Such a good place to eat & eat & eat.
His meal was free & they sent him home with some balloons & a big cinnamon roll.

Early Christmas present

In October John & I went to Sam's.
I spied a cute Gingerbread tray set.
Price seemed right so I told darling husband that I
wanted that for Christmas.

We went our separate ways in the store & he grabbed one
& paid for it & hid it in the vehicle.
Then he hid it at the farm in the office.

I've mentioned it several times, right before Thanksgiving
we was there & they only had 3 left, then came Black Friday
so I've been fretting ever since worried they were all sold

He said what do you think I did, went there without you & bought it???
Well that made me wonder did he???

So last Thursday night I was fretting about it again & said I'll just
have to buy one if they have any.

So he came over & took my hands & told me this story.
Friday I had to pick up Homer from basketball practice so John told
me to stop & get my present.

Funny because Thurs. I had to go in that office & get some folders
& my foot was right by the present & I didn't even see it.

Well I picked it up & opened it as soon as I got home.

We normally don't do a lot for each other for Christmas so I am
so impressed with him & so touched.

Well it's cuter than I remembered & I have it decorating my dining
room table.

p.s. will load pictures whenever I find the camera cable

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

The darling children was out of school Wednesday
so we took the girls to Lambert's.

This place will feed you 'til absolutely explode:

Thanksgiving Day

The girls & I watched some of the Macy's parade.
I happened to catch the cheerleaders at the beginning.
Oh my...the ones in the back that did the standing on each other
& flips...they was good. Wow.

John put the Christmas lights on the fences with help from each child.

Time to set the table with our "china"

We had homemade pizza for lunch

John decided to burn the brush piles in the field & down at the river.

For dinner we had BBQ hamburgers & "grilled" potatoes.
Yes, it was warm enough to bbq outside.

Black Friday
For the first time in my adult life I went shopping on this day.
Katy went with me, we headed out late 5:30 a.m.
& I was shocked to see the parking lot of W'mart full.
We didn't have a list (long story involving DS) but we did manage to get a lot
of things that was on the list at home on the computer.

We came back home & helped the boys load up for them to go riding &
we headed back to town & did some more shopping with Sarah along too.
We did our annual tradition of eating at the tea garden & seeing their
place all decorated.

The turkeys get big in the country